Sowing the seeds of lasting change

SM Supermalls employee-volunteers empower farmers through Henry Sy Sr’s life principles

Sowing the seeds of lasting changeSM group volunteers from SM City Dasmariñas share about Henry Sy. Sr’s life principles.

Amidst our bustling daily life, we never cease to witness a drop of inspiration that steadily creates ripples of social good. This calls us to pause, reflect, and realize our potential to create positive change. 

Years ago, Henry “Tatang” Sy Sr. accomplished this. Guided by an open heart, he generously shared his life principles, which revolved around the values of hard work, humility, integrity, and giving back. These principles formed the bedrock upon which he built his journey from humble beginnings, laying the very cornerstones of the legacy that the SM group has become today.

Currently, his legacy lives on. Inspired by his works, SM employee-volunteers spread social good by sharing the 14 life principles of Mr. Sy with the farmers of SM Foundation’s Kabalikat sa Kabuhayan on Sustainable Agriculture Program (KSK-SAP).

For Kristianne Fusilero of SM City Davao, the principles of Mr. Sy sit right at the heart of KSK-SAP as the innovative program strives to empower farmer-beneficiaries to become agriepreneurs:  "Discussing the 14-Life Principles of Mr. Henry Sy, Sr. is a humbling experience. We all discover how Tatang sustained the business through his life principles. It is truly important to share how we focus on spreading social good, especially at the grassroots level.”

Sowing the seeds of lasting changeKSK-SAP farmers from Davao snap a quick photo after a learning session with SM Supermalls employees.

Two other employee volunteers are Engr. Jemuel Madayag of SM City Masinag and Edith Tayko of SM City Dasmarinas.  Sharing about the experience, Engr. Madayag said: “At first, it was a challenge on how I can make the session about the 14 life principles more impactful since farmers’ ages were mixed. As we went on, I was glad that the farmers enjoyed every minute of the session. Lahat po ay nakinig, nag participate sa mga activities, at natuto."

Sowing the seeds of lasting changeSM City Masinag employee-volunteers lead the discussion of the 14 Life Principles module

Meanwhile, Tayko saw that the particular lecture boosted the interest of farmers, which inspired her to keep sharing her knowledge: "It was a short but fun learning experience. The beneficiaries were thankful to SM for the wonderful experience they had and are looking forward to the next sessions."

From SM City Butuan, Ma. Karina Rosario Tiguman has found fulfillment in working alongside farmers: "It's very heartwarming to extend my work to our farmers. Masarap makasama and makarinig ang mga farmers na eager to build new dreams despite age and other circumstances. Also, I’m thankful for the opportunity because there is a sense of fulfillment in my heart since I was able to impart the module to them. I’m looking forward to the next one."

Sowing the seeds of lasting changeKSK-SAP farmers from Butuan during their training.

As SMFI continues to carry out its KSK-SAP, the SM group shines a light on the synergy that can emerge when people come together to share knowledge, inspire others, and foster a sense of community. Henry Sy Sr.'s legacy continues to radiate through these virtuous acts, reminding many that the impact of a single person's values can ripple through generations and transform lives.